What a great day – perfect weather, great turnout and what a difference!
This is a truly very coordinated event to get 200+ volunteers doing the same thing along a 11-mile stretch with loaned equipment and all looking similar in the yellow souvenir event T-shirts – but we did again for the fourth time.
There were FOUR STATIONS across Nordhoff that served as places where the volunteers check in, get their equipment and shirt, get instructions for the pickup, team up and find out the section of the street they are assigned to. One STATION was in Chatsworth serving the streets from the Preserve to Winnetka. The second STATION was in NORTHRIDGE with streets from Winnetka to White Oak. The third STATION was in North Hills serving White Oak to Sepulveda. And the fourth STATION was in Panorama City with Sepulveda to Laurel Canyon.
The teams for the stations started at 7:30am to set up – get ready for the volunteers that were to report at 8:30-9am. There are always people who arrive early – at station four, a couple arrived at 7:45am! They were eager to do something for the community. We were ready for everyone – and they started coming on time…
Station ONE, led by Kathie Donner and her team – they had the majority of the volunteers from Kiwanis and the Key Club, plus Woodland Hills Rotary Club and west side VCC volunteers.
Station TWO, led by David Weisberg, owner of Cavaretta’s and Nancy Tanner – they had the Granada Hills Rotary Club team and Chaminade (it was their Service Day and they chose us to work with for this event).
Station THREE, led by Danny Sinclair and Sarah Lewow – they had a wide variety of organizations and individuals assigned to this station that were then teamed up to meet other neighbors and meet new friends.
Station FOUR, led by Adele Lessen and Ann LaManna – they had the most VCC Volunteers because it was harder to get volunteers in that side of the valley for some reason…but we got some that were willing work anywhere along the street and they were assigned here. Thank you for traveling far to help a community!
One sponsor JUNK KING drove the 11+ miles and all the side streets we were able to clean as well (Topanga north and south, DeSoto north and south, Mason north and south, Reseda north and south, Van Nuys Blvd north and south). They picked up all the bags and the debris from abandoned encampments that we found on this road! We are so appreciative of that! Not only did we pick up the litter but we also got it off the street.
Mark Hovater, our video producer, filmed the entire event and interviewed volunteers at the stations and along the way – so that we have a record of this amazing feat.
We collected just under 400 bags of litter and tons of debris like wood, tires, ice chests filled with spoiled food, broken chairs, cardboard, metal, car bumpers, etc. The weight was just under 2,000 lbs!
To celebrate we had a backyard luncheon at Jill’s home - where her husband Jeff homemade delicious sour dough pizzas, salad, cake, margaritas, beer, wine and Gatorade was enjoyed. It was a time to get together and talk about the event, share stories and make suggestions for the next one in April. That lasted to 3:30PM… so a super long, but successful day.
Thank you all who participated as booth personnel and/or as pick up volunteers on the street. Plan on helping again in April – the street is still being decided upon.